Sunday, March 30, 2008

Week 9 - Thing #20

I believe that YouTube has a lot of potential in education. The problem is that opening the filter to allow use of YouTube violates our Student and Faculty policy. TeacherTube is an alternative - but we need to get people creating videos to post to both YouTube and TeacherTube if it has an educational value. There are many videos that can be used in schools. I do worry about education using videos on YouTube that are knowingly a violation of copyright and what kind of a message that send to students.

Here is a video on the coral reef I found:

Here is video of a teenager promoting Glogster - a Web 2.0 tool.

Below is a video I uploaded for my son's HS football team. My son needed unexpected eye surgery the week of our biggest game and his team came to the house to support him. YouTube was the best way to share this with his team and especially the parents who could not be there.

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