Monday, March 24, 2008

Week 7 - Thing #16

Wikis have a lot of potential both for school libraries and for classroom projects. I could name several projects where having students create wikis with the content that they research would lead to more meaningful and more collaborative work for students. It would also add to the motivation for them to find good information.

I see a lot of potential for school librarians to collaborate with each other through wikis - especially when working on special projects, conferences or committees.

Technology teams can us wikis to do more sharing of ideas and tools. It is very hard for everyone to be an expert at all the Web 2.0 tools - but if groups of techies create wikis where each person become the expert in one or two tools and then shares the information with the rest of the group, we could integrate more technology into our classrooms.

I would like to help at least one teacher create a wiki project this year so that teachers can see the potential. The AP History example in the exercise gave me a few ideas for teachers to use a wiki for students to create wikis for final exam reviews. Since we have common final exams across the district, all students taking the same course could contribute to the wiki.

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